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How To Design Your New Kitchen

Before looking for a kitchen cabinet specialist for your new house or remodeling your new house, there are a few basic information you should have:

1. Layout plan of your kitchen area. It would be very helpful if you have your layout ready the first time you visit a kitchen cabinet specialist or cabinet maker as they would be able to advice you intermediately in general how your kitchen will look like.

2. What is your budget for your new kitchen cabinet renovation. You should have a rough idea how much you are prepare to spend on kitchen cabinet and all the appliances.

3. How many type of appliances your need for your kitchen. e.g. refrigerator, microwave over, over, dishwasher.... (Plan according to priority)

4. How many people are in your household? The number of people will determine the capacity, traffic and how much storage you need for your daily use.

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5. Typically how many people cook at the same time?
You might need to consider this as you might need a bigger work space for the cooking and preparation area and also the number of sinks you need.

6. The frequency of cooking for you family and also how ofter you entertain your guest.

7. Is your kitchen and living are in the same area?

8. Do you family spent most of their time in kitchen? e.g. doing laundry, doing computer work, watch television.

9. Other special requirement. e.g. disable person, babies, young children, or old people.

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